just listen

I am preparing content to share at the upcoming Conversation & Connection workshop on Monday on the topic of Empathy, when my mind drifted to this quote from Brene Brown.

I remember how I felt the first time I read it
and I reflect back on the version of me then.

I remember how deeply it resonated with me
and I reflect back on the version of me then.

these feelings have returned
and I reflect on the version of me now.

I’ve engaged with people that span the spectrum of the social-economic scale, listened to their stories and there is one common denominator to the story they choose to share with me for the first time.

the story always revolves around suffering and pain.

so I listen… deeply.

because I understand
that they have no one
to share this with.

they feel alone

being consumed by this.

so I choose to sit
I choose to create a safe space
I choose to listen.

because I understand deeply
that at many times in my life
I wished to have someone

who I could open up
and talk to
and they just listen.

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